Title: "Most is what you make of it"
Medium: Silkscreen on canvas Edition 1/1
Image Size: 60cm x 60cm
Signed verso
Art Condition: Excellent
Kunstrasen (1979 -) Ger
Kunstrasen, born in 1979 is a German stencil artist who derives his name from the German term for astroturf. Name is also a play on words kunst=art and rasen=speeding in German.
Growing up in the countryside in the south-west of Germany the desire for something else grew faster than kunstrasen did.
After finishing school kunstrasen moved to Canada then attended university in the UK. Studies in design led to a drive for something else again so the long-time hobby of stencilism became a profession.
After life taking several twists and turns kunstrasen is now back in the place where he grew up and creating his art.
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